Our honey is pure Vermont raw honey. It comes "straight from the hives just as our bees made it" and is never heated or filtered. Produced from our own local apiaries, we do not use antibiotics or synthetic pesticides in our hives and carefully bottle each jar by hand using only glass jars to protect the environment.
We extract several times during the season to give us honey in a variety of seasonal colors and flavors. Our honey won Best of Class and Best of Show with an "Excellent" rating at a recent Vermont Farm Show honey competition.
You can buy our honey at the locations listed at the bottom of this page.
12.50 + tax
5.0 starTheir honey is some of the best I've had! The colors, the aroma when you open the jar, the flavor as you savor this liquid gold - you can taste its purity, feel the goodness it infuses in your body! Fred is great - communication, shipping, the product arrives on time and is just perfect.
Country Blossoms HoneyOwner2 days agoThank you, Sylvia. The native plant communities in our area allow our honey bees to make very tasty honey!
The honey (Basswood) has unique pleasing floral qualities, very different from the rest.
Nice on a Winter day with a hot cup of tea, or with guests for that tea room experience you would like to present out of your home's living space or sunroom. Bring joy to your friends - add to a lovely gift basket of baked goods. Bring warmth to your soul - sip and...ahhhh...
The best local honey available, no doubt.
Love the crystallized honey, great as a spread, in tea or by the teaspoonful.
Prompt contact and service, excellent product.
Thank you, Greg!
Incredible and delicious honey!
37 Center St, Brandon, VT 05733
130 Piper Hill Rd, Claremont, NH 03743
861 Arch St, Pittsford, VT 05763
countryblossomshoney@gmail.com Brandon, VT
8 East St, Middletown Springs, VT 05757